Gaia Futures Ltd

By Blessing Peters, Darcy Hall, Eliezer Gore and Alexander Marsh

Science advisor: Dr Cat Scott, University of Leeds Academic Fellow in atmospheric science

“We did a lot of research into what a “green” London would look and sound like in twenty years. It was incredibly useful to speak to a biodiversity advisor, as it gave us a better idea of the scale of redesign needed to make an impact.”

— Blessing

“I came across the Biophilia Hypothesis, and we discussed a biophilic design idea with scientists who told us of examples where this is being done already. It was exciting to hear all of this because it’s an environment which I have not experienced before but could still be alive to see.”

— Alex

“Carbon capture machines also played a massive part of our story. The science behind those is quite impressive and we wanted to spread the message that they can (when built correctly and used accordingly) have a positive impact.”

— Darcy

“We also had to factor in human nature and the corporate tendency to get behind ideas to seem like they care but prioritise profit. This came through the carbon capture machines and the managing of them.”

— Eli


Ep 5: Sunspot