
By Chad Nickson

Science advisor: Dr Cat Scott, University of Leeds Academic Fellow in atmospheric science

“My inspiration for this piece came from a real railway line which is being built in the UK. There is massive controversy around the construction of this railway, which will destroy swathes of woodland and is extremely carbon intensive. This controversy inspired me to explore the impact that 'progress', specifically that which involves deforestation, has on the natural world and communities. My research led me to both ends of the argument, but I was keen to prioritise my understanding of the science and the facts, before I explored the politics. I interviewed scientists and activists, and watched interviews with officials leading the project. Conducting these interviews was fascinating: with an issue as controversial as this, the truth exists in many forms, and I have learnt the importance - as well as the challenge - of understanding a topic from multiple lenses.”

— Chad


Ep 2: The Little Mermaid


Ep 4: The Germinates