The Little Mermaid

By Helena Fox

Advisors: Dr Emma Cavan, Imperial College Research Fellow in marine biogeochemistry, and Philip R Taylor, Head of Policy & Operations at The Open Seas Trust

“My story was catalysed by my infinite love of the sea. I wanted to broach the effects of climate change on our oceans, and how this is happening everywhere, including our surroundings here in the UK. It made sense to me to explore how over-fishing exacerbates the problem and I ended up doing this alongside a focus on ocean acidification.

My research was varied, and included chatting to friends studying science degrees; speaking to academics; reading research articles and news stories; and talking to representatives of charities working on these issues. I am certainly not a self-proclaimed scientist; in fact, I renounced science after my GCSEs! It was so refreshing (and quite a learning curve) to be reminded of how broad an umbrella the term 'science' actually is, and to teach myself that arts and science don't have to exist as a dichotomy but can be brought together to create entertaining and important stories and experiences. I knew that climate change was affecting our seas, but that was about the extent of my knowledge. Through my reading and conversations, I learnt what ocean acidification actually is and about how it changes the underwater environment, as well as how different fishing techniques impact sea life. I will be careful not to swear off science again!”

— Helena


Ep 1: Song of the Siren


Ep 3: Disulfanide